Friday, February 29, 2008

About this Blog

Ok, first a bit about myself and then this blog. Here is my personal homepage that has a little description of me (a little outdated though) ; my hi5 profile is here; I am member no. 3217; my profile is here and my public gallery is here.

Anyways, I attended Swami Vivekananda College (1996-2000) in Nadi, Fiji. From 2001 to 2003, I was an undergrad student at the Uni. of the South Pacific studying BSc majoring in Computer science and Electronic Engineering. In 2004, I continued studying for Postgraduate Diploma and mid year, I joined the Fiji Institute of Technology as a Lecturer in Computer Engineering in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. From 2005 to 2006, I studied part time for MSc in Engineering (Details of my Msc theis project may be found here). Then came the break I was waiting for. Based on research emanating from my Msc studies, I presented a paper (my first) in Dec 2006 at the Third International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents (ICARA 06) held at Massey University in New Zealand. I received the award for the Best Student Paper for this paper and accordingly, I was invited to write a chapter for the book "Autonomous Robots and Agents" in the book series Studies in Computational Intelligence.

At the conference, I had met Prof. Shin'ichi Yuta (a Fellow of the IEEE, one of the HIGHEST ranks in engineering) who heads the Intelligent Robot Laboratory at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. Then in July 2007, I applied (the 3rd time!) for the Japanese Govt Scholarship and with Prof. Yuta's recommendation, I was subsequently awarded the scholarship in April 2008.

So, having already studied at university once and then given a second chance to relive the "golden years" by studying for a PhD in the country with the 2nd largest economy in the world, a country that possess more than half of the world's industrial robots, and that too in a University that has been ranked in top 9th-17th in the entire Asia Pacific region, I thought of capturing the moments that I would want to recall 20 years from now by creating this blog and documenting some of the more salient events about my stay and studies in Japan. So thats why I created this blog and I'll be frequently posting up details here.

Well thats the prologue of this blog. I received my interneary this week...will be flying to Tokyo (Narita) on April 3rd so I still have about four weeks to conclude my lectures at F.I.T, assess my students and hand over to my section head.