Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Born Without A Master

I learnt how to write my name in Kanji (Chinese characters) today. Uptill now, I had been writing my name in Katakana; today my sensei showed me how to write it in Kanji.

My name`s written as 兄主。The first Kanji means "elder brother" and the second "master".

We were also asked to explain the meanings of our names. As I didn`t know mine, I checked it up on the Internet and what I found what quite interesting. My name means "Born without a Master" or "One who has no Master". So as you can see, there is some correlation between my name and the Chineese writing of it as both are concerned with "master".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well we always had known that you are your own MASTER!!! keep it up cous, we all so proud of you. So interesting to read your daily experience. Take care , Regards from me n asish